Friday 5 July 2019

The Pain Echoes

The Pain Echoes

When the world has gone dark,
And you can't fight anymore,
The pain has an echo,
Down a dark corridoor.

We grab when we drown,
In an ocean of sorrow,
And the water sends ripples,
all the way to tomorrow.

We look to the surface,
For a way back to home,
And we panic and grab,
So we don't sink alone.

My mind is a house,
And it's haunted by fear,
Sometimes it's like the echo,
Is all I can hear.

I'm always grabbing the air,
But it's too far above,
I wish people could see,
That I'm nothing but love.

But I never stop reaching,
Despite it all going black,
I hold on to the hope,
Someone will reach back.

Desperate and gagging,
Running out of air,
I am shocked when I find,
There are many hands there.

And these hands, they catch me,
From the echoing night,
They pull me to shore,
So I can see the light.

The lives of just one,
Intertwined with the few,
I join them in the water,
To save others too.

We don't judge when they
Try to grab others down,
Because we all know,
What it feels like to drown.

Thats why we forgive,
When they've done us wrong,
So that they can see,
What it means to be strong.

Because the heart of one man,
Is as strong as an army,
And yes the pain echos,
But Love's a tsunami.

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